Thursday, December 6, 2007

I'd like that in all ones please.

Hello and welcome to my very first post here at 'all ones.' You maybe wondering what this is all about. Here is a tidbit of information for you as to why this blog is called all ones.
My grandma liked cash and when I started working I would give her a gift of money from time to time and she liked crisp one dollar bills. So I would give her ten and sometimes twenty crisp dollar bills fresh from the bank teller and placed in an envelope. She liked the feel of the paper and she would flick the bills in her fingers so that they would snap. It was a funny sight for me and I recall these memories fondly, as she is not with us anymore.

I brainstormed many ideas while sitting in my kitchen to find a name for my online dollar store and I came up with many like "100 Yen," "Dolce Dollar," and "One Dollar Please." None of these names fit me well enough although I was very close to calling my store "100 Yen." I like shopping in dollar stores and I have experienced many so I should know what a good one is comprised of. And I must say I do, so keep a look out for my store on the site. The url is

Come by and shop for a bit. Remember it's only a dollar!

1 comment:

I used to be Gigi Minor - but now I'm Annie Kight said...

I like your story of how you came up with your name !!! Very cute!
I'm hoping to have my etsy open by 2008! Too busy right now to even think about it!
See you around : )